Advancement of the Gospel is comprised of six sections. The first three sections provide some groundwork to the WebSite’s aspiration to rediscover the significance of YHWH’s Appointed-Times. This will provide some texture and awareness concerning the biblical and historical context for the Advancement of the Gospel. The final three sections give reverence to the actual TimeLine of Yahoshua’s ministry. The TimeLine is a composite of the four biblical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four testimonies supply the necessary details to highlight the unveiling of Yahoshua’s ministry. As His ministry unfolds Yahoshua’s definitive role in the Advancement of the Gospel comes to Light.
Following are the six sections mentioned above and the link to each section.
1 Advancement of the Gospel - Introduction
2 Advancement of the Gospel - Opening the Bible
3 Advancement of the Gospel - Setting the Stage
4 Advancement of the Gospel - Gospel TimeLine – Part One
5 Advancement of the Gospel - Gospel TimeLine – Part Two
6 Advancement of the Gospel - Gospel TimeLine – Part Three
For many centuries the written-word of YHWH trickled in to the Hebrew culture. The underlying message woven throughout these sacred writings was preparing the whole of Creation for the unveiling of YHWH’s mystery. A mystery of divine proportion that abounds with a splendor that none of the Prophets nor the Scribes could have anticipated. Who would have known that the blueprint of Yahoshua’s commission was being compiled through these sacred writings? Many years before Yahoshua birth various portions of the Hebrew Scripture (Bible) had been arranged for public reading in the Synagogues. Although the revelation of Yahoshua’s mission was concealed within the very scripture that many of the Hebrew people had heard and memorized for years, they were not able to properly discern Yahoshua’s earthly ministry. During His ministry He entered the villages of Israel where He taught and healed many people. Even though His compassionate and intimate interaction with the people reflected the merciful heart of Father-YHWH, Yahoshua’s true identity in relation to Scripture was still very difficult for the people of Israel to grasp. This was true not only with the chosen people of Abraham and Isaac’s descendants (Israel as a whole), this was also true with Yahoshua’s chosen disciples.
Today a similar obscurity seems to blur the vision of many Believers concerning the Divine-Appointments of YHWH. It is true that the Appointed-Times under the Old Covenant format served as types and shadows for the New Covenant events that would emerge in first-century Israel. Even so, the substance of the Appointed-Times did not (cannot) vanish at the arrival and demonstration of the New Covenant realities. Instead the intended purpose of the Appointed-Times were realized as they were clothed with a greater dimension of divine qualities (functions) by the authority of Yahoshua’s ministry. The ultimate expression of Yahoshua’s willingness to bear the Cross during His ‘criminal-execution’ was the final step of His 'earthly-mission' and was validated by His proclamation that 'It is finished’. And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit (John 19:30b). This event was both the consummation of His 'earthly-ministry' and the commencement of the Divine-Appointments as they began to unfold in first-century Israel as a direct result of Yahoshua's sacrifice. The quest to rediscover the significance of the Appointed-Times in light of the Cross requires us to follow the path of Yahoshua’s ministry, therefore the title, Advancement of the Gospel.
Advancement of the Gospel is a TimeLine (progression) of Yahoshua’s ministry. His ministry is the result of centuries of preparation by Father-YHWH which He had arranged and ordained (pre-determined) from the dawn of time. The following links will serve as the introduction to the Advancement of the Gospel. The introduction provides some necessary information and historical details to consider before pursuing the footsteps of Yahoshua’s very brief, yet powerful and transformative ministry.
Continue with: 2 Advancement of the Gospel / Opening the Bible
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LAST EDIT: 23:35 / 30 November 2023
ORIGINAL POST: 27 August 2022
Most Bibles are divided in two major sections. The first section is referred to as the ‘old covenant’ or the ‘old testament’ while the second section is referred to as the ‘new covenant’ or the ‘new testament’. The ‘old covenant’ section contains the biblical script that was written prior to Yahoshua’s birth whereas the ‘new covenant’ section contains the biblical script that was written after Yahoshua’s birth.
The ‘old covenant’ section of the Bible opens with the creation of the Heavens and the Earth. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, declares YHWH’s handiwork as He set in motion a sequence of events that unraveled the elements of the physical creation. The splendor of the Heavens and the Earth still abounds with wonder and beauty to this day, all of which serve as a signature to His creativity and supremacy. Marvel after marvel unfolded until He reached the intimate expression of His heart’s desire and breathed life into the first Human. Genesis then records Humanity’s (Adam and Eve’s) rebellion to YHWH’s Word resulting in their fall from Grace. This signified a devastating departure from His ordained order and fractured their intimate relationship with Him (the Adamic-dilemma). Their fallen-state engendered a complex range of disorders that Humanity still wrestles with today. Within the historical backdrop of Genesis YHWH was setting in order the building-blocks necessary to address Humanity’s sin-nature. Through a man named Abraham (aka the father-of-faith) YHWH set-apart Abraham’s physical-lineage to exemplify (foreshadow) the ultimate expression of His salvation (solution) through their life situations. These historical events commence as Abraham’s descendants were forced to leave their dwelling-place to escape an extreme famine. Their plight brought them to the land of Egypt where their displacement would set them up for their future calling. As the book of Genesis closes, which spans approximately 2,200 years, it leaves us teetering on the precipice of uncertainty and hope concerning Abraham’s descendants. As the plan of salvation unfolds through His chosen people YHWH gradually reveals Himself as the ultimate Father-of-Faith to HIs children.
Eventually the people of Israel (Abraham’s descendants) found themselves enslaved by a Pharaoh (King of Egypt) that had ascended to power after they had been in Egypt for many years. Exodus, the second book of the Bible, records Israel’s flight from the oppression of Egypt into the merciful hands of YHWH. After YHWH delivered Israel from the bonds of Egypt He established a Covenant with them through a man named Moses. This covenant and the theme of Israel’s redemption play a significant role in the progression and revelation of Humanity’s redemption. Israel’s deliverance is only one of many biblical events and covenants that work in harmony to develop YHWH’s master plan that is ultimately expressed through Yahoshua’s ministry. From the books of Genesis and Exodus to the writing of Malachi (the last book of the ‘old covenant’ section) there are 39 books that comprise the ‘old covenant’ section of the Bible. These books contain the history of Israel and Judah (all the descendants of Abraham through Isaac) which is filled with stories and testimonies of YHWH’s interaction with them. Many of the stories are amazing, some are disturbing yet the underlying theme points us to YHWH’s better covenant that is revealed in Yahoshua. The period from Exodus to Malachi spans approximately 1,350 years. After Malachi the ‘old covenant’ section does not provide any writings for the remaining 450 years where we then come to the threshold of the ‘new covenant’ section of the Bible. From the beginning of Genesis to the threshold of the ‘new covenant’ writings the span of time is often calculated (estimated) to be 4,000 years. The individuals that played their role in these biblical events and covenants were for the most part unaware that they were providing the divine-components that were essential for the gradual, yet very deliberate formation of the Gospel.
Covenant: agreement, accord, alliance, league, compact, treaty, contract
Although the two sections of the Bible are referred to as the ‘old’ and ‘new’ covenants, the ‘old covenant’ section of the Bible is actually a progression of many covenants. In order to understand and to more fully appreciate the arrival of the New Covenant it is necessary to be aware of the previous covenants, that is, the other (more than one) covenants that were established in the ‘old covenant’ section of the Bible. To be ignorant of or intentionally disregard the continuity of the covenants is to jeopardize the integrity (the whole) of the Bible. This is similar to when a brick mason is building a wall. Each row of bricks serve to support the following row of bricks until the wall is completed. When the final row of bricks are laid the previous rows of brick cannot be removed as this would compromise the integrity of the wall. This principle applies to the covenants that were established in the ‘old covenant’ section of the Bible. They are an integral part of and are building-up to the realization of the New Covenant. The Bible must be read, understood and embraced as one complete message in order to properly honor the purpose and will of YHWH as He intended it to be from the beginning of time. Otherwise the whole of the ‘wall’ (His message) will be compromised.
Each of the covenants (promises) established with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David serve as building-blocks and are essential to the development of His divine purpose and will. The purpose and will of YHWH have been advancing ever since the beginning of time; when YHWH created and interacted with humanity through Adam, when the world was preserved through Noah, when redemption was promised through Abraham, when Israel was set-apart through Moses and when the Supreme Ruler was promised through David’s kingship. These covenants (promises) are deliberately designed and are intricately woven together to prefigure the progression of YHWH’s purpose and will for Humanity. Each of the covenants (promises) are fashioned to give attention to the dynamic, multi-dimensional features and demonstration of the New Covenant (the Gospel) realities. These covenants (promises) are therefore inseparable from one another.
The ‘new covenant’ section of the Bible opens with four unique testimonies (perspectives) of the Gospel of YHWH from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four gospels serve as a witness to the teachings that Yahoshua shared and the miracles that He performed during His ministry. YHWH displayed His handiwork through Yahoshua’s ministry that set in motion a sequence of events that to this day still gives testimony to the impact that the Gospel has had on Humanity. Marvel after marvel unfolded until YHWH reached the intimate expression of His heart’s desire and imbued (filled) His disciples with His Holy Spirit (Essence) during the Appointed-Time (festival) of Shavuot (the Day of Pentecost). This occasion was monumental as the Apostles and fellow Believers became the first-fruits (the realization) of what the previous Covenants and Promises had been pointing to since the beginning of Time. Acts 2:1-13 records this event, in reference to the advent of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence upon the Gospel-Believers. This was accompanied with a miracle that those filled with the Holy Spirit were also proclaiming the Word of YHWH in ‘tongues’ (languages) that they normally didn’t know. While they proclaimed the Word of YHWH in multiple foreign languages the people that witnessed this event were able to understand what the Apostles (and others) were saying in their own language concerning the great deeds that YHWH was accomplishing. To address the significance of the event . . . 14b . . . Peter stood up with the eleven, raised his voice, and addressed them: “You men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, know this and listen carefully to what I say. 15 In spite of what you think, these men are not drunk, for it is only nine o’clock in the morning. 16 But this is what was spoken about through the prophet Joel . . . :
17 ‘And in the last days it will be,’ God says, ‘that I will pour out my Spirit on all people, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.
18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.
19 And I will perform wonders in the sky above and miraculous signs on the earth below, blood and fire and clouds of smoke.
20 The sun will be changed to darkness and the moon to blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.
21 And then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
(Quotation from Joel 2:28-32)
. . . Peter continues . . . 22 “Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man clearly attested to you by God with powerful deeds, wonders, and miraculous signs that God performed among you through him, just as you yourselves know— 23 this man, who was handed over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you executed by nailing him to a cross at the hands of Gentiles. 24 But God raised him up, having released him from the pains of death because it was not possible for him to be held in its power. (Acts 2:14b-24) This event and the affirmation of its divine-announcement by Joel give testimony to the progression of YHWH’s purpose and will for Humanity. Following the marvels of this Divine-Appointment the Bible records a progression of events, miracles and revelations that the Holy Spirit manifested through the Apostles (disciples) and many other Believers as the will of YHWH unfolded.
While reading the ‘new covenant’ section of the Bible it is helpful to understand that the ‘old’ and ‘new’ covenants overlapped each other for many years. From Yahoshua's birth to His crucifixion the Mosaic covenant was in full operation, yet after Yahoshua's crucifixion the Old Covenant began to vanish. The writer of the book of Hebrews (likely written in the mid to late 60’s of the first-century) described it like this, When he speaks of a new covenant, he makes the first obsolete. Now what is growing obsolete and aging is about to disappear. (Hebrews 8:13). From the description of the writer the previous covenant is clearly in the process of disappearing, but hadn’t fully disappeared when the letter was actually written. Earlier when Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians he described the overlap of the two covenants by using an allegory. He referred to the previous (Torah / old) covenant as Hagar and Ishmael corresponding to first-century, physical Jerusalem. In contrast he referred to the current (Messianic / new) covenant as Sarah and Isaac corresponding to the Jerusalem from above. Then he says Ishmael (the old covenant) was persecuting Isaac (the new covenant) and then he wrote so it is now. Meaning those who were holding on to the old covenant format (the old wine of the Covenant established through Moses) were actually rejecting the new covenant realities (the new wine of the Covenant established through Yahoshua). These same people (of the old covenant mind-set) were the ones persecuting those who were embracing the new Covenant realities (the refreshing of the Gospel). It is important to remember that this persecution was actually happening at the time Apostle Paul was writing this letter to the Galatians which was likely written in the late 40’s to the early 50’s of the first-century. (Read Galatians 4:21-31 to understand the context of the allegory.) These two biblical examples stir our mind to the fact that in light of the arrival of the New Covenant realities that the Old Covenant was still in the process of disappearing many years after Yahoshua’s crucifixion. This overlap, the co-existence of the two covenants, is often marginalized or ignored. However when reading the ‘new covenant’ section of the Bible this awareness is crucial to understanding some of its content properly. It is also worthy to note that the overlap of the covenants share some interesting parallels concerning the forty year period that Israel experienced in the wilderness (a transitional or testing period) after they fled Egypt and before they entered the Promised Land.
Now couple the first covenant that is about to disappear and to throw out the slave women and her son (the Mosaic Covenant) with the impending doom that develops through the pages of the New Covenant section of the Bible. Along with this warning of judgment are the imminent Promises (blessings) that are often held-out to the Believers and original recipients of the New Covenant letters. The nearness is so resounding and the effect is so stirring that many generations, spanning from the first-century to the twenty-first-century, have taken great measures to apply (to some degree) these impending proclamations to their own generation; generation, after generation, after generation. What would we find if we were dust-off the ‘history-books’ of first-century Israel? How would these warnings and Promises have been understood by the actual recipients of these inspired letters? Was first-century Israel (the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70) simply another victim of the horrific events that are a result of being conquered by a foreign nation, just as so many other countries (cities) would experience throughout history’s long play-list of tragic events? Or, does the transitional period (overlap) of the Old and New Covenants play a significant role in the unfolding of YHWH’s Gospel, sparking the on-going events that unveil the New Covenant realities of Yahoshua’s Ministry and Kingdom?
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LAST EDIT: 10:40 / 16 January 2024
ORIGINAL POST: 06 February 2022
The entirety of Creation is the platform by which YHWH reveals Himself to humanity. Hints of YHWH’s character are displayed throughout the wonders of Creation with His focal point being on humanity since we are created in His likeness. The nature in which we, humans, have been created encompasses a vast amount of physical, mental and spiritual resources that were originally designed to encourage and enhance a relationship with our Creator. Sadly the fallen nature of humanity often abuses these many resources in order to ignore, distract, hide and move away from YHWH’s presence. By perpetuating the caustic choices of Adam and Eve humanity has perfected the art of ignorance, repeatedly distancing themselves from their Creator. These choices have deteriorated Creation’s original purpose and have disfigured the image of YHWH that is inherent within us.
In general humanity has clearly spoken by their continual denial of the Light and by doing so affirming the human destiny of condemnation. 16 For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world should be saved through him. 18 The one who believes in him is not condemned. The one who does not believe has been condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God. 19 Now this is the basis for judging: that the light has come into the world and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. 20 For everyone who does evil deeds hates the light and does not come to the light, so that their deeds will not be exposed. (John 3:16-20)
The Gospel of YHWH unfolded during the Golden Age of the Roman Empire. This was the Age of Peace (Pax Romana) that Rome proudly proclaimed throughout the world, even though force was often used to advance the empire. The word ‘gospel’ in the Greek (euangelion) is derived from ‘angelos’ meaning messenger, this is where the English word ‘angel’ comes from. According to this definition a messenger was one that delivered good news that brought joy and peace. In the Roman Empire this good news was often the result of a military or political victory yet it included any good news that brought joy and good fortune to the society as a whole. The good news of the empire was associated with the gospel of the Roman Caesar (emperor). This title (office) eventually morphed into the elevated position of a demi-god. The ‘good news’ would bolster the veneration required from the population of Rome to perpetuate the façade of the Caesar's god-like reign. Within this setting of national pride and material prosperity the message of Yahoshua’s victory over sin and death could not be grasped by such a carnal and materialistic people.
Sadly, this was also true amongst the ‘chosen’, those who had been given the written script of Torah, those who had been blessed with the presence of the prophets and those who had been called to be smack-dab in the center of YHWH’s Advancement of the Gospel. The arrival of YHWH’s Gospel in Israel would have stood in stark contrast to the world renowned Gospel of the Roman Caesar during the same time period. The advancement of the Gospel in the first-century was truly an awesome progression of events leading to the salvation of humanity. Even so, the good news and message of Yahoshua’s victory over sin and death could not be grasped even by YHWH’s chosen people who had become an ethnically proud and spiritually deprived people. At this point in history (first-century A.D.) darkness had been thoroughly cultured. This was the result of Adam and Eve’s rebellion (fall) in the Garden which engendered the fallen-human-seed after its kind. As the Light of the Gospel entered history the darkness could not comprehend the brilliance (righteousness) of the Light. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:5 / NKJV)
First-century Judah (Israel) and the mother-city Jerusalem were almost entirely unaware that the Word of YHWH was about to unfold in their presence in a very grand way. Endowed with such a title as ‘The Chosen’ and bestowed with the written script of Torah, there is no doubt that the prophetic word of Daniel along with some writings of the other prophets were being thoroughly examined. This would have encouraged discussion in the synagogues and at the Gates of the City concerning their destiny and their expectation of YHWH’s promises that had been secured in Abraham. Yet their own negligence in relation to their covenantal-agreement with YHWH had caused them to be insensitive to His oncoming presence. The consequences of their own disobedience and arrogance had soiled almost any testimony they may have held at one time as being the ‘set-apart’ people of YHWH.
The various interpretations and traditions concerning the prophetic word of Torah had caused division amongst the people of Judah. The Roman occupation and oppression over Israel sharpened the bitter division amongst the ‘holy people’ (Judah). As the tension increased various people began to incite the discouragement which lead to civil unrest. Self-proclaimed messiahs, prophets and militant leaders occasionally lead small revolts against the Romans. Some of these factions even aroused violent incidents amongst the people of Israel and Jerusalem causing greater division with one another. The tension heightened as the appointed-time of YHWH drew near.
Any awareness of YHWH’s Word that Israel did possess was largely due to the integrity of YHWH as He honored His Words-of-the-Covenant with His adopted son, Israel. Yes, Israel possessed some knowledge and yes, they could sense something in the ‘air’, yet they were almost entirely ignorant to the scope and magnitude of what was about to unfold in their world. Now after thousands of years from the time of Creation the Gospel began to sprout in the midst of this hostile environment that was foreign and unrecognizable to YHWH’s will. If you were to choose a point in time to visit Israel, first-century Jerusalem would not have been a very peaceful and pleasant time to do so . . . even so, this is precisely the Appointed-Time of YHWH’s visitation.
Go, Daniel. For these matters are closed and sealed until the time of the end. Daniel 12:9b
Centuries had passed since Daniel was told to close the book. Now in first-century A.D. the very fabric of Creation was yielding itself to its designated purpose. The Word of YHWH was stirring as the constellations of the heavens aligned themselves according to their calling in order to announce the time of the end (not the end of time). YHWH’s Appointed-Times were swollen in great expectation and eagerness to unfold in real time on planet earth according to their ordained purpose. With great care the stage had been set to give way to the mystery of the ages. The Word of YHWH had not returned void in any way at all, rather, it was situated just as He intended it to be from the beginning of time. With great pleasure Creator-YHWH settled-in to the certainty of His own Word as He patiently awaited the appropriate time that would most certainly fulfill His covenantal Promise with Israel; which would eventually restore the union that was lost by Adam and Eve. Through physical-Israel Messiah enters the world, the true Seed in which all of Father-YHWH’s Promises to humanity are to be fulfilled. The book that Daniel was told to close was now beginning to open . . .
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LAST EDIT: 11:16 / 16 January 2024
ORIGINAL POST: 06 February 2022
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